
Arrangements to be made for quarantined students to undertake exams

Ministry of Education has revealed arrangements will be made to allow students under quarantine to take their examinations.

Speaking to PSM News, Deputy Minister of Education Mohamed Ihsan said special arrangements have been made to ensure exams take place as scheduled in the revised academic year, despite the challenges of COVID-19. In this regard, Ihsan said students who are forced to undergo quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19 or becoming a direct contact will be able to undertake their exams while in quarantine. He said the ministry will also work on facilitating alternate arrangements for students will wish to postpone their exams.

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, major changes have been brought to the 2020 and 2021 academic calendars. As the 2020 Academic Year could not be completed last year due to the pandemic, the second half of the academic year was moved to this year.