
Azrova Maldives contracted to develop sewerage system in Fenfushi

Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure has contracted Azrova Maldives Private Limited to develop and install the sewerage system in Fenfushi, Alifu Dhaalu Atoll.

The contract is a tri-party agreement between the planning ministry, State Electric Company Limited (STELCO) and Azrova Maldives. The contract was signed by Director General at the Planning Ministry Shaana Farooq, Managing Director of Azrova Maldives Mohamed Thaufeeq and Managing Director of STELCO Hassan Mughnee.

Under the contract, Azrova Maldives is tasked with establishing a sewerage system in Fenfushi with pump stations and sea outfalls, and connecting the system to the households. The project must be completed within one year at a cost of USD 1.2 million.

The project to establish a sewerage system in Fenfushi began in 2017 after STELCO sub-contracted the project to Azrova Maldives, which has completed the survey, design and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of the project. However, the previous contract was terminated after the company failed to begin the practical work to establish the sewerage system.