
India releases second installment of funds for 11 grant projects

India has released the second tranche of funds, amounting to USD 750,000, to the Maldives for implementation of 11 grant projects under the High Impact Community Development projects (HICDP) scheme.

The funds are released for the implementation of 11 socially impactful grant projects being executed in the Maldives, under a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between India and the Maldives in March 2019. This was the second installment of the funds under the grant, which has a total allocation of USD 5.6 million. The first installment of USD 657,000 was transferred to the Government of the Maldives in July 2020.

Projects currently in progress under the HICDP scheme include construction of 3 fish-processing plants in Maradhoo, Hithadhoo and Hulhudhoo in Addu City, the establishment of 5 tourism zones in Feydhoo, Meedhoo, Hithadhoo, Hulhudhoo and Maradhoo of Addu City, setting up a bottled-water plant in Hoarafushi, construction of a drug detoxification centre in Addu City Hulhudhoo, and, a soil-testing lab at the Agricultural Research Centre in Hanimaadhoo. During the recent visit of the External Affairs Minister of India Dr. S. Jaishankar to the Maldives in February 2021, another project was taken up for implementation under the HICDP scheme, which is the establishment of a fish processing plant in Kendhikulhudhoo, Noonu Atoll. Work on this project is expected to commence soon.

HICDPs projects are driven by the needs of communities on the islands, and are steered and executed by city and local councils. The projects are expected to enhance the capacities of locally-elected representatives and support the decentralisation efforts of the Maldives.