
Transport Ministry announces new schedule for transporting goods in Male'

Ministry of Transport and Civil Aviation has announced a new schedule to carry goods and cargo in the Greater Male' Region.

According to the Transport Ministry, the regulation allowing the transportation of goods and cargo in Male' City, Villimale' and on the Sinamale’ Bridge for 24 hours every day has been nullified with a new regulation in place. The new regulation identifies the types of vehicles which can carry goods, and the timings.

As per the new regulation, pickups with a capacity of less than 350 kilograms can carry goods for 24 hours every day. The regulation states any types of goods on any type of vehicle is allowed for transportation from 0900 hours to 1130 hours and from 1330 hours to 0600 hours.

Moreover, it is prohibited to carry goods in vehicles with the capacity of 350 kilograms and above between 1130 hours and 1330 hours. The regulation allows carrying water and gas in any type of vehicle from 1800 hours to 0600 hours.

Furthermore, the regulation stated goods can be carried on the bridge in vehicles with a capacity of less than 2 tonnes 24 hours a day. However, all such vehicles must only use the ring road in Male'.

The regulation prohibits the transportation of vehicles with a capacity of more than 2 tonnes on the bridge except from 1800 hours to 0600 hours.