
President expresses pride for the outstanding services of Maldives Police Service

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has commended the Maldives Police Service and expressed his pride for their outstanding contributions and service to the public.

In a statement made on the occasion of the 88th anniversary of establishing policing service in the country, President Solih stated the police have been delivering exemplary services, significantly increased with the COVID-19 pandemic, and likened the tireless commitment of police officers, day in and day out, as an invaluable national service. President Solih singled out the recent enactment of the Maldives Police Service Act as the most significant amelioration of policing in the country since the Maldives Police Service was re-establishment as a civil service institution 17 years prior.

The President further expressed his confidence that the new law would push forward much-needed reform in the institution, noting the law aims to improve accountability and grants the necessary legal protection to the institution and its officers in assuming their duties. He further conveyed that the newly enacted legislation would promote professional standards within the service and pave the way towards community-oriented policing under a decentralised governance system.

President Solih also offered warm greetings and well wishes to Minister of Home Affairs Imran Abdulla, Commissioner of Police Mohamed Hameed, and officers of all ranks and their families on the felicitous occasion. The President concluded his message affirming that the government would continue to support the development and progress of policing in the country.