
RDC contracted to develop roads in Mulah and Hulhudhuffaaru

Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure has contracted Road Development Corporation (RDC) to develop the main roads in Mulah, Meemu Atoll and Hulhudhuffaaru, Raa Atoll.

At a special ceremony, the contract was signed by the Permanent Secretary at Planning Ministry Zeeniya Ahmed Hameed and Managing Director of RDC Moosa Ali. RDC is tasked with asphalt paving 5.8-kilometres in Mulah, as well as installing road lights and establishing a drainage system in the island. The company is tasked with completing the project within 420 days at a cost of USD 6.9 million.

RDC is also tasked with asphalt paving 3.2-kilometres in Hulhudhuffaaru, as well as installing road lights and establishing a drainage system in the island. The company is tasked with completing the project within 390 days at a cost of USD 5.7 million.