
Two islands leased for agricultural development

The government has leased two uninhabited islands for agricultural development.

Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture stated 5 islands were opened for tender in October last year, to be developed for agriculture. However, the ministry said only two islands had bidders that achieved the required amount of marks as stated in the bidding evaluation criteria. The two islands that had winning bidders were Madulu, Haa Alifu Atoll and Kakaaeriyadhoo, Shaviyani Atoll. The two islands have been leased to the winning bidders for 21 years.

Other islands opened for agricultural development are Neyo in Shaviyani Atoll, Tholhendhoo in Noonu Atoll and Oinigalla in Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll. The agriculture ministry said none of the bidders for these three islands were able to reach the required number of marks for awarding.

The government opened certain uninhabited islands for agricultural development as part of efforts to increase food production and reduce dependency on import. The islands are leased at an annual rate of USD 0.0065 per square foot. Companies which are awarded the islands must produce the food items specified by the ministry in up to 30% of the total land area.