
Tourists vaccinated for less than 14 days not allowed to check-in

Health Protection Agency (HPA) has stated tourists who have been fully vaccinated for less than 14 days will not be able to check-in at guesthouses from July 26 onwards.

In an announcement, HPA stated tourists are required to have received vaccines that are included in the Emergency Use Listing of the World Health Organisation (WHO). Tourists who have been fully vaccinated for less than 14 days will not be allowed to check-in at any guesthouses established on an inhabited island. However, children are allowed to check-in at guesthouses with permitted tourists.

Tourists wishing to check-in at guesthouses are also required to have a negative PCR test taken 72 hours prior to their arrival. Tourists will also be required to take a PCR test when checking out from any guesthouses on an inhabited island.

Furthermore, HPA stated tourists who have not completed their vaccine doses are allowed to check-in at guesthouses on inhabited islands in which 60% of residents are vaccinated.

Other requirements include having 90% of the elderly island residents vaccinated and 95% of the resort workers on the island vaccinated. HPA added that giving out permits to tourists will also depend on the COVID-19 situation in the country they are residing in.