
Maldives Post launches e-Tukuri community online shop

Maldives Post Limited has launched a community online shop through the e-Tukuri shopping platform.

Minister of Environment, Climate Change, and Technology Aminath Shauna launched the community online shop at a special ceremony. The community online shop provides local businesses and producers the opportunity to directly market and sell their products to customers across the Maldives through the e-Tukuri platform.

Maldives Post stated it has begun delivery services for the community online shop in all the atolls and will work to expand the service to all inhabited islands. It stated that it will also assist businesses in the atolls in marketing and selling their services through the online shop.

Furthermore, Maldives Post stated the COVID-19 pandemic has shown the importance of having such a platform in order to provide local businesses the opportunity to overcome financial difficulties. It stated small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), as well as co-operatives and entrepreneurs, will receive full support through the online shop. It added that the community online shop is a crucial milestone in its work to expand domestic operations in the atolls.