
Travel agencies requested to submit annual reports

Ministry of Tourism has requested registered travel agencies to submit their annual reports.

In a circular, the tourism ministry has requested registered travel agencies to submit their annual report for the year 2021 by 1400hrs on June 30. Clause 9 of the Regulation on Travel Agencies requires the agencies to submit an annual report to the tourism ministry by June 30.

The ministry warned that it has the authority to cancel the registration of any travel agency that does not submit its annual report before the deadline. The amendments brought to the Regulation on Travel Agencies on February 25, 2021, states that the ministry is required to give notice before cancelling the registration of travel agencies. Travel agencies can obtain the format to be used for the report and additional information at the tourism ministry website.

Agencies registered in 2021, which have not completed one year of operation from January to December 2021, are not required to submit their report.