
PGA calls for women empowerment in science and technology

President of the United Nations General Assembly (PGA) Abdulla Shahid has stated more work needs to be done to empower women in science and technology. He made the statement in his closing remarks at the 7th International Day of Women and Girls in Science Assembly held by the United Nations (UN).

In the closing remarks, PGA Shahid said the International Day of Women and Girls in Science is an opportunity to reach out to the next generation of scientists, to empower aspiring girls and youth as agents of change, in the creation of sustainable development solutions. The PGA praised the Royal Academy of Science International Trust (RASIT) for its commitment on gender equality with the inclusion of almost 30 scientists from different corners of the globe and various fields in science. He said platforms such as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science Assembly provide the means to share lessons, experiences, and strategies to pave the way forward. He added it also allows the chance to empower women and girls in science and helps amplify their voices on matters that shape their future.

Furthermore, PGA Shahid said the rich and substantive exchanges will help guide the path for gender equality, including gender-equal work and learning spaces. He congratulated participants of the event and urged them to work together to secure an equal, diverse, and inclusive recovery on global issues and unite the efforts to support women and girls in science.