
STO Supermart to be expanded for Ramadan

State Trading Organisation (STO) has stated it is expanding the STO People's Choice Supermart for the month of Ramadan.

The demand at the STO supermarket has been increasing during the month of Ramadan each year. In order to meet the demand, STO has made plans for expansion by joining the supermarket with a large part of the nearby trade centre.

Managing Director of STO Hussain Amr said the supermarket will be expanded to three times its size for this year's Ramadan, and that it will allow private businesses to sell their products at the supermarket. As such, he said STO has agreed to allow the largest laptop and phone sellers in the country to market their products at the supermarket for the month of Ramadan. He added the supermarket will be re-opened later this month with new racks for new items such as cosmetics, fruits, and vegetables, paving the way for STO to cultivate a larger customer base.