
Powerhouse relocation projects to conclude mid-2023

Fenaka Corporation Limited has revealed the projects to relocate powerhouses in all inhabited islands will be completed mid-next year.

In 2019, Fenaka commenced a project to relocate the powerhouse so that residents will not face harm from the smoke or the loud noise coming from the powerhouse. In line with the project to shift the powerhouses, Fenaka is also undertaking the upgradation of the cable networks in the islands.

Speaking to PSM News, the Managing Director of Fenaka Ahmed Saeed Mohamed revealed efforts to relocate the powerhouses are ongoing swiftly, noting no major delays were experienced due to COVID-19. He added many of the projects will conclude this year.

Furthermore, Saeed said many powerhouses were in very poor condition when Fenaka took over the task. As such, Saeed said over 60 out of the 154 powerhouses handed over for relocation were in dire condition.

Speaking about enhancing the services of Fenaka, Saeed said the biggest challenge faced is the poor condition of the islands. In this regard, he said electricity networks in some islands are 25 or 30 years old. He noted Fenaka aims to build state-of-the-art powerhouses that can be used for more than 25 years despite the challenges, transforming electricity networks and relocating all the powerhouses.