
Gov't begins publishing procurement plans of state institutions

Ministry of Finance has begun publishing procurement plans of state institutions.

The finance ministry began publishing the procurement plans on its official website to reduce the expenses incurred by state institutions. The ministry stated that the decision was made to implement a more transparent policy on formulating procurement plans.

The published list includes the procurement plans of ministries, local councils, independent institutions, and government offices and provides information on the goods, works, consultancy services, and non-consultancy services that a government procuring entity is planning to procure throughout the year. The plans comprise the procuring entity and description of the procurement along with the planned dates to carry out the procurement. It also includes some of the projects to be conducted by the government.

Publishing details of procurement plans are expected to reduce the expenses incurred by the government over having to re-announce bids due to lack of interest, by giving interested parties more time to prepare before submitting their bids.