
Import-Export revenue increases by 21% in March

Maldives Customs Service has revealed the Import-Export revenue for March had increased by 21% compared to the same period last year.

As per the statistics published by Customs, the Maldives recorded an import-export revenue of USD20.7 million last month, compared to USD19 million in March 2021. The statistics also revealed that USD253 million worth of goods were imported last month, compared to USD220 million in March 2021. Oman and UAE were the biggest contributors to imports with a share of 16% each, while India contributed 14% of all imports to the Maldives in March.

Meanwhile, the Maldives exported USD28 million worth of goods last month, compared to USD21.9 million in March 2021. Thailand contributed the largest share of exports by the Maldives with 49%, while 11% of all exports in March were to the UK. Mauritius was third in the list, contributing 9% of exports by the Maldives during this period.

The statistics revealed the entry and exit of international vessels to and from the Maldives had increased this year. As such, 137 vessels entered the Maldives with cargo last month, compared to 129 vessels in March 2021.