
Gan Airport becomes member of JIG, first in Maldives

Gan International Airport (GIA), operated by Addu International Airport Private Limited (AIA) has become a member of the Aviation Fuel Joint Inspection Group (JIG). It is the first airport in the Maldives to be a JIG member.

GIA said it has upgraded the airport to the JIG-12 category upon becoming a member of the JIG. Further, the airport has received JIG certification under the Jig Inspection Tracking System. GIA revealed it will improve the quality of the fuel sold from the airport and provide an opportunity to sell aviation fuel to international customers. GIA is the largest seller of aviation fuel in the Maldives after Velana International Airport (VIA).

JIG which is endorsed by The International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Airlines for America (A4A) was founded in the early 1970s and today is a world-leading organisation for the development of aviation fuel supply. JIG established the first generation of four international standards. The JIG standards are followed by over 100-member organisations globally, operating at more than 2,750 airports, and supply and distribution locations in over 100 countries. JIG carries out audits of the 2,000 biggest airports in the world under the jurisdiction of one of its 50 JIG-certified inspectors.