
Huge fines to be issued for fishing protected species

Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture has decided to issue fines of up to USD26,000 for fishing protected species of marine life

The fisheries ministry has provided details on the number of fines to be issued for the violation of its rules in the recently published regulations on fishing and sustaining skipjack tuna stock. The largest amount in fines is to be issued for fishing, processing, and selling protected species of marine life.

Speaking to PSM News, DirectorAhmed Shifaz said that attempting to capture or keep protecting species on fishing vessels is illegal, noting that many vessels have been caught transporting such species for processing. He, therefore, said that attempting to export protected species is also illegal.

The ministry stated that the owners of the fishing license will be fined if vessels are caught violating the regulations and the amount levied will depend on the species of fish caught, their weight, and the number of catch. Fines will also be issued for unlicensed fishing and using drones for fishing.

Around 20 species of marine life are protected in the Maldives, including sharks, turtles, and some types of reef fish.