
MIFCO to expand to Middle Eastern market

Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company (MIFCO) has stated it is exploring opportunities to export its products to the Middle Eastern market.

Speaking on Television Maldives (TVM), Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ismail Fauzee said MIFCO has been joining international fairs, including the recent tuna conference in Thailand, which allowed the company to hold discussions with Middle Eastern businesses. He said that the company has found that there is a huge demand for skipjack tuna and yellowfin tuna in the region. He said fish exporters have been targeting the Middle Eastern market, adding that MIFCO needs to expand to new markets as it increases its capacity.

Additionally, Fauzee said MIFCO has begun exporting fish products to Mauritius, noting that the company has found it beneficial to pack the products in Mauritius and transport the shipment to Europe. He highlighted that Mauritius has duty-free status.