
MIRA recovers USD31 million in Q3 2022

Maldives Inland Revenue Authority (MIRA) has revealed that it recovered a revenue of USD31.4 million owed to the state by various parties.

In the Quarterly Financial Report, MIRA has stated how it has recovered the outstanding amounts, including USD24 million through dunning, USD7 million through dues clearance, USD900,000 through reminder calls and emails, and USD27 million through legal action.

The report stated a total of 12,685 individuals have been issued final notices for not paying tax returns during the third quarter and 13,600 individuals have been issued final notices for not filing tax returns. MIRA has provided installment grants to those who do not pay their taxes regularly by granting 134 taxpayers up to USD37 million.

The Quarterly Financial Report also detailed the outstanding amounts till the third quarter of the year. According to the report, USD214 million in taxes and USD136 million in fines were not received. The total amount of taxes and fines was USD 356 million which is an increase of 7.27% compared to the second quarter of the year.

Meanwhile, non-tax dues stood at USD188 million while fines stood at USD434 million and the total amount due was USD630 million, according to the Quarterly Financial Report. MIRA also stated that 31 cases were filed in court to recover money. As such, 11 cases were concluded in favour of MIRA and the authority lost five cases.