
RDC aims to become a profitable company

Managing Director of Road Development Corporation Limited (RDC) Moosa Ali Manik has said one main aim of next year is to upgrade and become a profitable company. He made the remarks held to celebrate the three-year anniversary of RDC.

Speaking at the 3rd Annual General Meeting (AGM), Managing Director Moosa said RDC is now in a very good position despite the difficulties of COVID-19. He said that there was a shortage of employees and resources when the company was established. He, however, said RDC continued to operate without any salary constraints and without cutting off employees despite the subsequent COVID-19 situation.

Furthermore, Moosa said RDC now has all the resources needed to complete the road construction work, which he expressed is a huge achievement in three years. The company has set big goals for next year, he said, adding the goal for next year is to turn it into a profitable company and upgrade the category of the company. He also stated the company has decided to give annual bonuses to its employees.

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih decided to establish RDC in 2019. However, the company started to run smoothly in 2020. The first major government project awarded to the company was the redevelopment of the roads in Male' City. RDC is currently implementing projects in 26 islands, including major road construction projects. The company currently has over 1,300 employees.