
Home Minister praises Kolhufushi residents for their courage

Minister of Home Affairs Imran Abdulla has praised the residents of Kolhufushi, Meemu Atoll, for the courage they had shown in overcoming the devastation left by the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.

At the ceremony held to mark National Unity Day in Kolhufushi, Minister Imran shed light on how the tsunami had affected the Kolhufushi community. He noted that many of the residents were swept into the sea during the disaster but that some had managed to return to land.

Furthermore, Minister Imran said that the residents were quick to respond after the disaster by searching for those missing and burying the dead. He detailed the difficulties the residents of Kolhufushi faced after the tsunami over having no means to cook and no housing or clothing. He said they found shelter at the harbour and children had to sleep on grounded boats.

Additionally, Minister Imran said that the tsunami had damaged numerous households and that communities including the one in Kolhufushi still need more housing. He added that they also need more job opportunities and that the development of nearby uninhabited islands will solve this issue. He expressed gratitude towards the previous governments that had worked to overcome the impact of the tsunami but said that it does not match the efforts made in the last four years.

During the ceremony, the participants observed a minute of silence and the residents of Kolhufushi presented a replica of the tsunami monument to President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih. National Unity Day is observed in remembrance of the spirit of national unity and solidarity shown by the people in the immediate aftermath of the Indian Ocean Tsunami of 2004.