
Met Office says north east monsoon was delayed in 2022

Maldives Meteorological Service (Met Office) has revealed that the northeast monsoon has been relatively delayed and the onset was on December 31, 2022.

MMS stated that the onset of last year's monsoon was delayed and the effects of the monsoon started in the second or third week of December in the northern atolls of the country. The effects of the monsoon will then spread to the central region and the monsoon will start in January. The criteria for the onset of sunny weather is when the wind direction is east with winds of more than 10 nautical miles per hour and the condition lasts for two consecutive days or more, according to the Met Office.

The Maldives has two distinct seasons which are the southwest monsoon which normally extends from mid-May to November and the northeast monsoon which extends from January to March. The weather is generally good for most of the day, although there is some rainfall during the two seasons. The month of December and April is considered the monsoon transitional periods.