
Private parties allowed to name reclaimed land

The government has published a new policy allowing private parties to name a geographical location they had reclaimed.

Under the policy, the Maldives Land and Survey Authority (MLSA) will accept requests to name or re-name a geographical location. The purpose of the policy is to standardise the process of naming geographical locations in the Maldives. It provides instructions on naming new geographic locations and officially naming existing locations using commonly used names as well as re-naming locations. The policy encourages naming locations with respect to the Maldivian history and culture and the unique aspects of the location.

MLSA is tasked with processing requests to name or re-name locations within 15 days. It also has the authority to revoke the names of locations if the name is already registered. Requests to name a location can be made using the specified form through the relevant state institution or ministry. However, private parties will be able to submit a request to name a location they had reclaimed.