
NDA holds meeting to begin rehabilitation programme in Kulhudhuffushi

The National Drug Agency (NDA) has held a meeting with the authorities of Kulhudhuffushi City prior to conducting the community-based treatment and rehabilitation programme.

NDA will be conducting the rehabilitation programme with the assistance of the Kulhudhuffushi City Council and Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital. As such, doctors, nurses and health workers have already been trained to start the programme in Kulhudhuffushi. NDA also held a training session to prepare for screenings of the methadone maintenance treatment. Individuals between the ages of 16-25 are allowed to participate in the rehabilitation programme.

Speaking to PSM News, Deputy Director General of NDA Aishath Mehereena said that the main purpose of the programme is to provide opportunities for addicts to receive treatment. She also said the programme will provide individuals with the opportunity to seek treatment on their own islands instead of relying on the capital Male' City.

Kulhudhuffushi City in Haa Dhaalu Atoll has a large number of drug dealers and addicts. As such, Deputy Director General Mehereena said there are many individuals who wish to seek rehabilitation. She also said that NDA plans to conduct awareness programmes in different parts of the country.