
MTCC signs contract to renovate harbour in Maalhos

The Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure has contracted the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) for the renovation and expansion of the harbour in Maalhos, Baa atoll. The agreement was signed by the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of MTCC Shahid Hussain Moosa and Zeeniya Ahmed Hameed, the Permanent Secretary of the planning ministry.

The scope of the project includes the development of a 700ft long harbour. The area including the harbour will be paved and harbour lights will be installed as part of the project. MTCC said the cost of the project is USD4.5 million and is expected to be completed within 450 days.

The harbour in Maalhos has been in use for many years. The small harbour was built in 1999 with the help of a private company and the residents of the island. The harbour began to deteriorate mainly due to inadequate repairs caused after the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004. As such, the residents are facing many challenges in loading and unloading goods.

Speaking about the current condition of the harbour, President of Maalhos Island Council Abdulla Shujau said the lagoon is shallow and it is difficult for boats carrying goods to reach the island. As such, he said the harbour is causing economic loss to the island. He also said the harbour is being developed with the recommendations of the residents.