
Newly-developed ICCU opened in Kulhudhuffushi Hospital

The newly developed Intensive Coronary Care Unit (ICCU) has been inaugurated at the Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital.

The unit was inaugurated by the Minister at the President's Office Ali Shiyam at a special ceremony held in Kulhudhuffushi. The hospital's ICCU protocol was also launched at the ceremony.

The six-bed ICCU setup has been relocated to the top floor of the newly developed three-storey Kaani Wing. The hospital has been previously operating a three-bed ICCU. A special team has also been formed at the hospital to begin providing ICCU service. More than USD1 million has been spent on the project.

Speaking to PSM, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Ahmed Dawood said the Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital has been providing emergency treatment services with great difficulty. He said beds have been placed in the corridor due to the limited number of beds and space constraints. He, however, said that the newly developed ICCU is equipped with the latest facilities to accommodate both the patients and hospital staff.

The new three-storey building has added 36 beds to Kulhudhuffushi Regional Hospital. The lowest floor is used as a 15-bed children's ward. There is a 15-bed medical ward on the second floor. The government is making efforts to further improve the services of the hospital.