
MTCC to develop swimming areas in Shaviyani Atoll

Ministry of National Planning, Housing and Infrastructure has contracted Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC) to develop swimming areas in three islands in Shaviyani Atoll.

The agreement was signed by Director General at the planning ministry Shana Farooq and Chief Operating Officer (COO) at MTCC Shahid Hussain Moosa. All three projects have been contracted to MTCC under a design and build basis. The state-owned company is tasked with developing swimming areas in Feevah , Feydhoo and Foakaidhoo within seven months at a cost of USD1.2 million.

Under the project to develop the swimming area in Feevah, MTCC is tasked with dredging 3,575cbm of the swimming area and construct a 50m groyne and 97m breakwater. In Feydhoo, MTCC will dredge 2,730cbm of the area and construct a 50m groyne and 62m breakwater. In Foakaidhoo, MTCC will dredge 2,106cbm of the area and construct a 40m groyne, and 101m breakwater.