
President inaugurates projects in Dharavandhoo and Kudarikilu

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has inaugurated infrastructure projects during his visits to Dharavandhoo and Kudarikilu in Baa Atoll. The projects, developed under his administration to improve the quality of life for residents on these islands, include coastal protection on both islands, an upgraded harbour, and a new volleyball court in Kudarikilu.

During his visit to Dharavandhoo, President Solih inaugurated the coastal protection project, developed by the Maldives Transport and Contracting Company (MTCC). As part of the project, MTCC constructed a 144m revetment and carried out beach nourishment works to counteract erosion.

Furthermore, President Solih inaugurated the coastal protection project and harbour upgrade during his visit to Kudarikilu. MT Højgaard Private Limited completed the projects, which involved dredging the harbour and its channel's basin, constructing a ramp, installing port lights, and constructing a 1,600sqm pavement. An 819m revetment was also developed as part of the coastal protection project. These improvements are expected to enhance the safety and functionality of the harbour for the benefit of the local community.