
President designates Thinadhoo as a city

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has officially designated Thinadhoo, Gaafu Dhaalu Atoll, as a city, marking a significant milestone for the island. The announcement was made by President Solih during a gathering held on the island.

In his announcement, President Solih shared that he had signed the resolution granting city status to Thinadhoo prior to his visit. He highlighted Local Government Authority (LGA) has confirmed Thinadhoo has met all the criteria requirements mentioned in Decentralisation Act of Maldives.

President Solih expressed his optimism about the positive changes that will follow this newfound status. He made a commitment to initiate transformative development projects, with a prominent focus on healthcare. Notably, he revealed plans for the establishment of a state-of-the-art tertiary hospital on the island. A new building will be constructed for the tertiary hospital and once operational, the existing hospital will be repurposed as a university campus catering to higher education in the healthcare sector, he added.

Emphasising the city's economic growth, President Solih announced a major industrial overhaul. The upcoming completion of a business port within the next year will enable international ships to dock and unload goods, significantly boosting trade. The city will house vital institutions such as Maldives Customs Service, Maldives Immigration, and Maldives Ports Limited (MPL) services, fostering the creation of numerous job opportunities, elaborated the president.

Further, President Solih unveiled a comprehensive strategy to bolster the fishing industry in the region. As such, a state-of-the-art cold storage facility with a capacity of 1,000 tonnes, accompanied by a 120-tonne freezing facility, is to be established. Additionally, Thinadhoo, as per president, will undergo expansion through reclamation efforts, transforming it into a thriving tourism zone. The president also noted this expansion will also encompass housing projects, including the construction of 500 flats.

Additionally, President Solih reaffirmed his commitment to continuing the road construction project in Thinadhoo. He added the entire road network within the city will be paved and modernised. He expressed his intention to enhance leisure offerings by creating dedicated picnic areas and advancing the island's airport into an international gateway.

With these visionary projects on the horizon, President Solih highlighted that Thinadhoo's entire identity will undergo a remarkable transformation. The official designation of Thinadhoo as a city elevates the count of Maldivian cities to five.