
President inaugurates new infrastructure in Maakurathu and Ungoofaaru

President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has inaugurated several newly completed infrastructure projects in Maakurathu and Ungoofaaru as part of his ongoing visit to some islands in Raa Atoll. These projects included the healthcare centre extension and football ground in Maakurathu and the new extension block of the Ungoofaaru Regional Hospital in Ungoofaaru. Completing these projects marks a significant step forward in developing the islands and their infrastructure.

The new extension building of the healthcare centre on Maakurathu, constructed by Samaal Construction Private Limited, comprises an administrative area for managing healthcare employees, a public health unit providing preventative and promotional health services, a health education room, and a storeroom. The construction of this facility demonstrates the administration's commitment to delivering quality healthcare services to the local community. Additionally, the football ground unveiled in Maakurathu has been layered with turf, providing a high-quality playing surface for local athletes.

The new extension building of the Ungoofaaru Regional Hospital, developed by Alia Investment Private Limited, features a range of state-of-the-art facilities, including an emergency room, a radiology room, a laboratory, a theatre, a Clinical Services Specialist (CSS) room, and a private ward with ten beds. These new facilities will significantly enhance the healthcare services available to the local community, providing them with improved access to medical care and support.