
Ihavandhoo power system upgraded

Fenaka Corporation Limited has stated that the power system in Ihavandhoo, Haa Alifu Atoll, has been upgraded.

The project included upgrading the 16-year-old cable network and installing new transformers. The old cable network has been unable to provide adequate electricity and meet the increasing demand of households. Ihavandhoo currently uses 1.4MW of electricity at its peak and residents have complained that their electrical appliances gets damaged due to constant voltage drops.

Deputy Manager at the Fenaka Ihavandhoo branch Mohamed Sameer said that the cable network has been replaced and that preparations are being made to activate the new power system. He detailed that the current work includes testing the three new transformers and connecting the distribution boxes. He noted that the upgraded power system will last at least 40 years and will be able to provide electricity to the increasing population.

The government has conducted other projects to upgrade the power system in Ihavandhoo, including increasing the capacity from 1.2MW to 2.5MW. Currently, the island uses two 600kW generator sets, one 1MW generator set and one 350kW generator. A 40-person capacity office has also been built for Fenaka employees.