
SIFCO flats handed over to recipients

The Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF) has begun handing over the Sifainge Cooperative (SIFCO) flats to recipients.

Chief of Defence Force Lieutenant General Abdulla Shamal and Vice Chief of Defence Force Major General Abdul Raheem Abdul Latheef have begun handing over the keys to the flats to the recipients, who were chosen through a lucky draw earlier this month. The first few keys are being handed over to recipients of the flats in Tower A. They were also given the opportunity to tour the apartments.

The construction of the flats for military and police officers began in 2013. However, the project was stalled after the contract was terminated by the previous government in 2016 after the list of flat recipients was published. The current administration addressed the concerns over the lack of development by contracting Amin Construction Private Limited to complete the construction of Police Cooperate (POLCO) flats and 23rd Metallurgical Construction Group Co. Limited to construct the SIFCO flats.

The project consists of 691 housing units, which include 330 flats at SIFCO and 361 flats at POLCO. In total, three towers were built with flats designed as luxury three-room apartments with 1,100sqft of space.