
List of applicants for Phase 2 of Binveriya and Gedhoruveriya schemes published

The Ministry of National Planning, Housing, and Infrastructure has published the list of applicants for the the flats and land plots to be issued under phase two of the Gedhoruveriya and Binveriya housing schemes.

The list contains the names, addresses, islands, and the application form numbers. It also includes details on the types of forms. The ministry stated that it published the list to confirm that the ministry has received the applications submitted via the Gedhoruverin portal. If an applicant's name is not included in the list, they are required to submit their information by 1400hrs on November 30.

The ministry opened applications for the second phase of the housing schemes for a one-month period and received over 40,000 applications. The second phase involves the provision of 4,000 land plots and 6,000 flats in the Greater Male' Region. The housing ministry stated that 19,347 individuals had submitted applications for land under the Binveriya scheme, while 21,247 submitted applications for flats under the Gedhoruveriya scheme before the deadline.

An area spanning 5.5 million square feet has been designated from Giraavaru Falhu and Giraavaru Uthuru Falhu for the provision of land plots under the second phase of the Binveriya scheme, with the smallest plot consisting of 1,250sqft. In addition, 400sqft will be added to the land plot for each individual in a joint application. If more than seven individuals sign a joint application, they will receive a land plot with a maximum size of 4,000sqft.