
Maldives and Türkiye sign agreement on trade and economic cooperation

The Maldives and Türkiye have signed an agreement on trade and economic cooperation. The agreement was signed after the official talks held between President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu and the President of Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdoğan at the Presidential Palace in Ankara.

At the Official Talks, President Muizzu noted that bilateral partnership between the Maldives and Türkiye is strong, and will be expanded to new areas of cooperation, including trade, investment, renewable energy, and higher education. The President expressed profound appreciation to President Erdoğan and the people of Türkiye for the support extended to the Maldives in various areas of socio-economic development.

Moreover, President Erdoğan congratulated President Muizzu on his election victory and being sworn-in as the President of Maldives. President Erdoğan said that he and the people of Türkiye are honoured that President Dr. Muizzu chose Türkiye for his first Official Visit as President of Maldives and expressed his confidence that the visit will help to start a new chapter in the bilateral relations between Türkiye and the Maldives.

The two presidents reviewed progress in wide range of topics in the bilateral cooperation between the two countries and agreed on a roadmap for expanding cooperation between the two countries. They also condemned in the strongest terms, Israel’s war on Palestine, and expressed the hope that the current pause in hostilities will become a cease-fire and eventually an end to the war.

The two presidents noted that a permanent solution for peace in Palestine can only be attained through the establishment of a sovereign and independent Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its capital within pre-1967 borders, and that Israel should end the illegal occupation of Palestine immediately and return the lands forcefully seized from Palestinians.

At the end of the Official Talks, the two countries signed the Agreement on Trade And Economic Cooperation Between the Maldives and Türkiye. Minister of Economic Development Mohamed Saeed and Minister of Trade of Türkiye side Dr. Ömer Bolat signed the Agreement in the presence of President Muizzu and President Erdoğan.