
Maldive Gas to be distributed in country's north and south

Managing Director of Maldive Gas Private Limited Abdulla Mohamed has stated that the government's vision is to extend the distribution of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders to both the northern and southern regions of the country.

Speaking to PSM News, Mohamed highlighted the existing challenges in supplying gas cylinders to various locations across the country. He pointed out the inconvenience faced by residents in the farthest northern and southern regions who are compelled to travel to the capital Male' City, to refill their empty gas cylinders, which is an arrangement he deemed less than ideal.

Additionally, Mohamed highlighted the government's vision to make Maldive Gas accessible to both the northern and southern regions, emphasising the overarching goal of providing services to the residents of the area with maximum ease and convenience.

Furthermore, Mohamed expressed his commitment to addressing the difficulties associated with transporting gas cylinders to tall buildings, an issue adversely affecting company employees. Recognising that many countries globally use pipelines for gas delivery to tall structures, he conveyed ongoing efforts to explore safe implementation of such a system in the Maldives.