
ACC expands probe of Gedhoruveriya housing scheme

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has expanded its investigation into the Gedhoruveriya housing scheme.

The ACC has received access to the Gedhoruverin portal to investigate the complaints filed over the previous government's process of allocating 4,000 housing units under the Gedhoruveriya scheme. The commission is now taking statements from individuals and gathering the relevant information.

The ACC assured that it will conclude the investigation as soon as possible as the issue is of public interest. As such, the commission is using all technical and human resources available for the investigation.

On December 10, the Ministry of Housing, Land and Urban Development gave the ACC access to the Gedhoruverin Portal used to process applications for government housing projects. Access is required for the commission to complete the investigation.

The ACC stated that it will be providing information as it continues the investigation. The commission has already provided some information to the parliamentary committee on independent institutions. During the committee meeting, the ACC stated that the points automatically awarded to applicants had been altered through the portal. As such, some applicants received more points by inserting false information that they have children or were living in Male'.

Public outrage rose over the issue after the previous government failed to disclose how the points were awarded to the applicants in the list. They had twice instructed the previous government to halt the allocation of the flats until the investigation is complete. The new administration is working with the ACC to resolve the issue.