
Dhiraagu launches its 2024 calendar

Dhiraagu has launched its 2024 calendar called Into the Future, commemorating the company's 35th anniversary.

Minister of Education Dr. Ismail Shafeeu inaugurated the new calendar at a special ceremony. The ceremony was attended by Dhiraagu officials, school students, parents, and other guests.

Speaking at the launch ceremony, Minister Shafeeu noted the pivotal role of Dhiraagu in advancing communication and digital technology in the Maldives. He emphasised the indispensability of technology in daily life, asserting its integral connection to the development of the country. He also underscored the importance of responsibly using such a crucial resource.

Additionally, Minister Shafeeu highlighted the strategic policy of the government to leverage technology in the education system, fostering students who are adept in digital technology. He expressed the necessity for the assistance and cooperation of companies like Dhiraagu to achieve the goal.

Dhiraagu stated that the calendar will showcase 12 Snapchat games related to the artwork, which will be unlocked monthly. Users can scan the Snapcode on the calendar, play the game, and share their scores on Instagram, Facebook, or X. The company also announced plans for a special lucky draw, with a winner selected from all three platforms, receiving a tech bundle as a gift every three months.