
Gov't to appoint fisherman as MIFCO board member

The Ministry of Fisheries and Ocean Resources has opened the opportunity for fishermen to apply for a position as board member of Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company Limited (MIFCO).

The fisheries ministry opened the opportunity to allow an individual to represent fishermen on the board under the new administration's 14-week roadmap. The government aims to expand the role of fishermen in the management of MIFCO.

The ministry will accept applications from individuals who are above 18 years of age and currently engaged in fishing. The applicant must not have served a sentence of more than 12 months for a criminal conviction or five years must have passed since the sentence was served or forgiven.

The application must be submitted with a document from the relevant local council confirming the applicant to be a fisherman. Interested individuals are required to submit the application by January 11, 1330hrs.

MIFCO, formerly a subsidiary of State Trading Organization (STO) with 99.99% shares owned by STO and 0.01% shares by Allied Insurance Company of the Maldives Private Limited, has been transformed into a 100% state-owned enterprise. The change aims to align MIFCO with government policies, enabling direct and indirect financial aid and other assistance for the company.