
Large government office building to be built

Minister of Construction and Infrastructure Dr. Abdulla Muththalib has announced that a project to build a large office building will begin this year to reduce the cost of running government offices.

Minister Muththalib said the government has allocated funds to construct the new office building in the state budget. He said the design work will begin after the acquisition of a land plot and the building will be completed within two years.

Additionally, Minister Muththalib highlighted that the government spends USD13 million a year on government offices. He said the offices will be relocated after the construction of the building as the government has no intention of renting places and placing a burden on the state budget. He added that the current premises will be used for the time being after renovations.

Many government offices were previously located in the Huravee building and Ghaazee building. However, the old buildings were deemed unfit for use due to wear and tear and demolished. The government currently pays high rent for offices that were relocated.

The previous government developed an office building in Hulhumale', named Umar Zahir Office Building. The building currently houses three government ministries.