
Pilot programme for nationalism to begin in Grade 4

Minister of Education Ismail Shafeeu has stated that a pilot programme to teach nationalism as a subject will be launched in Grade 4.

Speaking to PSM News, Minister Shafeeu said that aspects of nationalism are being taught in the national curriculum but teaching nationalism as a separate subject would increase the focus given to nationalism by students, parents and teachers. He said the pilot programme will be held before the subject is officially included in the curriculum, adding that the programme will be launched for Grade 4 students within three weeks. He also said that the level of nationalism in other subjects being taught will be determined before the pilot programme launches.

Additionally, Minister Shafeeu said the ministry is seeking the recommendations of professionals in formulating the curriculum for teaching nationalism as a separate subject. The minister is also seeking technical advice on developing teachers and providing resources to students to teach the subject.

Introducing nationalism as a separated subject is included in President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu's roadmap for his first 14 weeks in office. The purpose is to foster nationalism and build a generation that reveres their culture and heritage.