
Gov't to develop island for juvenile offenders

Minister of Homeland Security and Technology Ali Ihusaan has revealed the President's decision to establish a centre for juvenile offenders and at-risk minors on an island.

Speaking to PSM News, Minister Ihusaan said that preventing the youth from being involved in offences is an important aspect of reducing crime. He noted that minors are involved in various crimes including drug trafficking and that 200 individuals aged 15-18 have already been identified.

Additionally, Minister Ihusaan said the President has decided to establish a treatment and education centre in a designated island to help juvenile offenders. He said the ministry is determining whether Vaanne, Dhaalu Atoll, where police training is conducted is a proper place for the centre. He also said the ministry will build a long-term care facility where minors aged 15-18 will be taken with a court order and permission of their family. He added that they will be provided with an education, training and psycho-social treatment and that they will be allowed family visits.

Furthermore, Minister Ihusaan said that the center's primary objective is to nurture children to contribute to the nation in vital sectors. He also said that the individuals in the centre will be required to serve in the police and military for three to five years.

Moreover, Minister Ihusaan said that the work regarding the establishment of the centre will be carried out with the assistance of the police and military as well as the relevant ministries, namely the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Islamic Affairs. He expressed confidence that preventing minors from engaging in crime will have a significant effect on overall crime reduction.