
Gov't to return elderly in state care to families

Minister Social and Family Development Dr. Aishath Shiham has stated that the government will provide full assistance to return the elderly individuals in state care to their families.

Speaking at the first meeting of the ministerial forum, Minister Shiham said that reuniting individuals under state care to their families is an important initiative of the government. She noted that there are many individuals who have been transferred to state custody for various reasons and that many of them are being cared for by the state due to the lack of housing or the inability to care for themselves. She said that this is an issue that affects many families and that the government has begun efforts to reestablish the relationship with the families of those in state care.

In addition to facilitating convenient arrangements for families to visit the special needs home, the government has also begun efforts to transfer the individuals back to their families. Minister Shiham noted that some of the individuals have already been reunited with their families and that the government is providing full assistance and cooperation to the families during the transition process.

The Ministry of Social and Family Development has revealed plans to return 16 individuals from the special needs home in Guraidhoo, Kaafu Atoll, with their families in February. Currently, the special needs home in Guraidhoo accommodates 218 individuals, with a dedicated workforce of 165 employees serving the community.