
ECM allows independent candidates to use logo on ballot paper

The Elections Commission of the Maldives (ECM) has announced the decision to allow independent candidates to feature their logos and photographs on ballot papers for the very first time.

In accordance with existing Maldivian law, only candidates affiliated with political parties were previously permitted to feature logos and photographs on ballot papers. While past elections have permitted candidates to include photographs, this marks the first time independent candidates can display logos.

Speaking to PSM News, Secretary General of ECM Hassan Zakariyya conveyed that all candidates now have the choice to include photographs on ballot papers, though it is not mandatory. Notably, he said that independent candidates also have the option to feature their distinctive logos on the ballot paper. He, however, emphasised that candidates from political parties are obligated to display their party logos. He clarified that the logos submitted by candidates will undergo scrutiny by ECM, and only approved logos will be affixed to the ballot papers.

Additionally, Zakariyya highlighted that ECM will assess whether the logos meet prevailing social standards, ensuring they do not infringe on others' rights or cause confusion with party symbols.

Furthermore, Zakariyya explained that amendments to the law were made to streamline the process of including photos and logos on ballot papers, aiming to simplify the voting experience for citizens. He emphasised that having a photo or logo instead of a mere number and name would be more convenient for voters. He also said that candidates will receive guidance on the submission of their photos and logos along with the required forms.

The parliamentary election is scheduled for March 17 and the window for contesting the election will close on February 14.