
PNC Parliament membership increases to 16

The number of members from the ruling People’s National Congress (PNC) in the Parliament of the Maldives has increased to 16.

This increase in membership occurred when Parliamentarians Ibrahim Shareef and Hassan Ahmed, previously from the main opposition Maldivian Democratic Party (MDP), officially became members of PNC. Shareef made the transition on December 28 last year, joining 12 other former MDP parliamentarians, while Hassan followed suit on January 7. With the additions, PNC representation in Parliament now stands at 16.

Following the change, the majority party, MDP, consists of 42 members. The remaining breakdown comprises 13 members from The Democrats, two from the Progressive Party of Maldives (PPM), two from the Maldives Development Alliance (MDA), two from the Jumhooree Party (JP), and three independent members.

Speaker of Parliament Mohamed Aslam noted that the change will impact the allocation of debate time and the composition of standing committees in Parliament. As per the law, members who switch parties are required to resign from their committee positions automatically.