
Gov't to reunite 29 individuals in state care with families

Minister of Social and Family Development, Dr. Aishath Shiham, it was revealed that 29 individuals under state care at the Home for People with Special Needs (HPSN) in Guraidhoo are being reunited with their families. She made the remarks answering a question from public.

Addressing concerns raised by a participant about the increasing number of individuals in the care facility, Minister Aishath Shiham highlighted the growing challenge of families neglecting their elderly members. She emphasised the crucial role of a family environment in providing care and compassion, particularly for the elderly.

The minister acknowledged that efforts are underway to reach out to families, resulting in the decision to hand over 29 individuals to their families. Collaborating with various institutions, HPSN is actively working to ensure the health and well-being of elderly residents who find themselves under state care due to various reasons.

Looking ahead, Minister Aishath Shiham announced the launch of four courses in partnership with the Polytechnic. She said temporary residency will be offered to those without family support, and individuals will have the opportunity to return home after receiving necessary treatment. The minister expressed gratitude for the cooperation received from families in this endeavor, highlighting the collective effort to prioritise family-based care for the elderly.

Ministry of Social and Family Development is committed to foster a supportive environment for individuals in need, reinforcing the importance of family ties in providing holistic care and support.