
President unveils plans for island income opportunities

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has announced plans to establish a platform that enables island residents to generate income from their own produce by staying on their respective islands. This initiative was discussed during the "Raees ge Javaab" series, a platform facilitating direct engagement between the President and the public on various issues.

Aishath Rauna Mohamed of Kin'bidhoo, Thaa Atoll, conveyed to the President the difficulties in earning income on her island, highlighting that despite having access to education up to high school, job opportunities are scarce. She said this circumstance compels residents to abandon their island life due to a lack of income opportunities.

In response, the President acknowledged the economic challenges in the atoll, with only one resort currently in operation. He outlined plans to develop additional resorts, boost the fisheries sector, and establish a platform to market and sell products using the skills of individuals. The President expressed confidence in the country's skilled workforce and announced the government's support in creating online avenues for marketing and sales. The president noted the commitment to ensure that all island residents have the opportunity to earn income through their own efforts.

President Muizzu emphasised the flexibility of a creative economy that can thrive anywhere and highlighted the potential for children entering the workforce to participate in newly developed resorts and other economic opportunities.

The president reassured the youth that the government is working to renew their hopes, with a special focus on addressing the needs of previously neglected and underserved atolls.