
First Lady advocates innovative approaches to ignite children's STEM interest

First Lady Sajidha Mohamed has advocated for innovative approaches to attract children to the field of science and technology, as she addresses the ninth International Day of Women and Girls in Science Assembly.

Recognising the growing presence of women and girls in science globally, the First Lady, who has her own experience in the scientific field, underscores the importance of facilitating equal advancement for both genders in this crucial domain.

On the occasion of International Women and Girls in Science, she acknowledges the challenges faced by women in science but encourages them to overcome these hurdles. Additionally, she emphasised the need to discover new methods to inspire and motivate today's children to pursue careers in science and technology.

Highlighting the substantial role of women in the field, the First Lady notes that women constitute 60% of the workforce in the Maldives, surpassing the 40% representation of men.

Referring to President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu's call for providing women opportunities in various spheres to combat gender discrimination, the First Lady affirmed the government's commitment to this cause, aiming to achieve success in eliminating gender disparities in the Maldives and expanding the role of women in STEM fields.