
"New terminal will create more airport sales for local goods"

Minister of the Economic Development and Trade Mohamed Saeed has highlighted the potential of the newly inaugurated terminal at Velana International Airport (VIA) to boost the sale of Maldivian products. He made the remarks during the unveiling of the logo for Home-based Food Producers.

The Business Centre Corporation (BCC) introduced the logo in collaboration with the Maldives Food and Drug Authority (MFDA), following guidance from the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade.

Speaking at the ceremony, Minister Saeed emphasised the efforts of BCC to facilitate more businesses to showcase their products at Authentic Maldives outlets. He announced plans to eliminate existing restrictions on listed businesses and create additional opportunities for smaller businesses to participate.

Additionally, Minister Saeed underscored the pivotal role of the new VIA terminal in bolstering the Maldivian economy. He anticipated an increase in flights to the Maldives, thereby enhancing economic prospects. The expansion of the terminal is expected to provide further avenues for selling Maldivian products.

Furthermore, Minister Saeed encouraged home-based food processors to adopt the BCC logo, emphasising its potential to instill confidence in tourists. He announced that individuals can apply for the Home-based Food Producer logo online.