
President to increase council block grant and WDC budget

President Dr. Mohamed Muizzu has revealed plans to enhance the local councils' financial stability and empowering the Women's Development Committee (WDC). He made the remarks in an address to the residents of Guraidhoo, Kaafu Atoll.

The President emphasised a significant increase in the block grant provided by the government to the councils, ensuring a more substantial share of the State's revenue is allocated to them. He expressed the government's commitment to facilitating positive changes within the council system, intending to make them financially robust institutions capable of driving impactful initiatives for the benefit of the village.

President Muizzu outlined key measures to achieve this goal, including earmarking 5% of the block grants exclusively for the WDC's activities. Additionally, he proposed integrating the committee's salary and allowance into the overall council budget.

To boost council revenue, the President called for a percentage of the tax paid by the local tourism industry to be directed towards the government. He also pledged to reclaim significant land in Guraidhoo for development, with the project set to launch within the year.

Moreover, President Muizzu announced the construction of a new school with a minimum of 20 classrooms, aimed at resolving the space crunch in the island. Moreover, plans include the establishment of an operation theater facility at the island hospital and a comprehensive solution to the sewerage problem, promising a transformative change for the community.

Highlighting the commitment to meet residents' preferences, the President assured that essential services such as water, sewerage, and electricity for the reclaimed land would be tailored to the community's needs.