
Fist Lady emphasises importance of conducting Quran competitions

First Lady Sajidha Mohamed has underscored the significance of conducting Quran competitions, particularly during the Holy month of Ramadan, to cultivate a deep love for the Holy Quran among children. These remarks were made during her speech at the awarding ceremony of the Quran competition organised by the Child Abuse Prevention Society (CAPS) in memory of the late child Ibthihaal.

During the ceremony, the First Lady expressed her heartfelt appreciation to CAPS for organising and hosting the Quran competition. She emphasised the importance of such religious competitions in nurturing a love for the values and principles of Islam among children.

First Lady Sajidha had the honor of presenting awards, gifts, and certificates to the children who secured first, second, and third place in the competition.

The competition, which saw participation from a total of 53 students from Vilimale', featured four categories along with an additional category allowing students with special needs to participate.